Ştefan Augustin DOINAŞ



Space ― but how could come into sight

that place-nonplace dwelt by

indefinitely goldening hymns, where time throbs

like a chaste halleluiah amongst clouds ?


The space in which we yearn and wane

did not exist : we have nourished it together.

Everything is dainty there, and sacred,

quencing the thirst of belated butterflies.


Our streets ― nowhere, a perpetually

innermost wandering ; as if within the common

elderberry stems, the core breathes ; apparitions

glow, even more real than ourselves.


Time’s unripened twinklings drip, like the kernels of

some religion. Your laughter is but

oh ! the limit of burning, the landmark

of our coming into being.


Can you feel our first meeting soaring above us ?

The rest is merely a reiteration ; the sum

of our feeble throbbings, ashes

engorged by a gluttonous miracle.


English version by Gabriela PACHIA