

My Poetry   My poetry is nervous, as it keeps talking it forgets to buy a ticket, it’s forced to get out but each time some anonymous friends see it home   it’s got no glory for the simple reason that she has never wished for it, it’s got no religion because it loves life […]


The Couple We revisit to the Edenic couple, Yet on a distinct, untrodden path, strewn with natural obstacles, With wild beasts, monsters, and mongrels which bark, Yapping at us but it’s so considerate of them to yawp and wail, Since they weave a curtain of protests for us to hide… Genuine purity blooms, mirrored In […]

Grigore VIERU

The Library of Dew My brother, I have toured wealthy countries where I would have remained as poor as I am. My brother, the world is woven from footbridges which one is compelled to cross safely only by calling the bear ‘uncle’. My brother, I don’t mind dying anytime, though I mind dying wheresoever. I […]


Under the Glass of Several Words In this notebook I have drawn together the very few joys left behind by four years of my lifespan. There are a few things left from the journeys I make every day around my house, among these trees with scarce leafage where the wind plays around, there are some […]


Song   Solely the fish do not drown in water, Solely the worms and the moles do not choke with clods of earth the slender bird becomes an ark solely by flying. Stricken by angels wings in flutter, I fix my eyes on you, my sweetheart, the one who makes my ‘alas’, my ‘oh’, my […]


the object in the china cabinet   That object in the china cabinet peers at you monitors you each morning and each evening and each night gazes at you when you make a wry face in the mirror watches you as you dance alone scrutinises the way you gulp down bread fruit lobsters cigarettes vitamins […]

Leonid DIMOV

Destiny with a Baobab   The town with frills of cardboard quadrilles Would lead a life of cinema thrills and spills, While its streets spread out the whispering burden Merely between showtimes. At five and seven. The marketplace bearing a famous Swabian name Would shrink under a proliferating baobab, a frame Whose heavenward forehead was […]

Constantin NISIPEANU

A Musical Box   I’ll strive to open the violet box, your musical box, the one you’d sent me as a gift in an enigmatic way. Who could’ve managed to enter my room unseen while I was sleeping, since only dreams were granted permission to draw near to my slumber ? You used to say […]


Echoless Romanza   To Theodor Solacolu   O love, sweet tiny bibelot, Lovely thing, so ephemeral and unfair, I find you on the very same étagère Where I abandoned you a year ago… Thank you !… Yet how ?… What fortunate event, which Ronsard ?… What charitable soul has been your safeguard During my absence, […]

Al PHILIPPIDE – Condiţia contemporană a poeziei. Concurenţa genurilor?

Ar putea fi vorba de o concurenţă între genu­rile literare sau chiar între arte diferite, atunci cînd genurile literare sau artele ar coincide perfect în ce priveşte natura lor, mijloacele lor de expresie şi, mai cu seamă, bucuria pe care ne-o dau şi emoţiile pe care ni le provoacă. Dar fiecare dintre ele ne mişcă […]