

Verbotene Räume (Ruhe ringsum)   Noch einmal sitze ich allein an einem langen und leeren Tisch. Die Ruhe ringsum ähnelt immer mehr einer alten Photographie Aus welcher die Zeit davon gelaufen ist.   Verbotene Räume (von niemand gekannt)   Ich träume riesige und süße Regen die von Norden kommen um meine von Rost bedeckte Seele […]

Radu Stanca: „CINA cea de DRAGOSTE” / „La CÈNE d’ AMOUR”

La mai bine de o jumătate de veac de la trecerea sa în eternitate, poezia lui RADU STANCA îşi dovedeşte perenitatea şi deschiderea, continuând să-l fascineze pe cercetător. Poate tocmai de aceea, în fiecare an, în primele zile ale măr-ţişorului, (5 martie), se cuvine să-l omagiem pe autorul lui Corydon, pe cel care, dacă ar […]


The Sonnet of the Eternal Story Madonna, nature’s most sacred miracle, Endowed with the torso of an immortal queen, Wouldn’t perfection discomfit your sheer gleen? Ardent prayer reached its pious pinnacle, Yet, dainty flower, who brought you here to preen? Which stars concocted your every particle? What secrets descend from women’s chronicle That lent you […]

Adrian BOTEZ

Relinquishment dirty clay feet : that is to say the clay in our feet – toiling in advance – exceeding the Lord’s output plan for producing human adobe   there is no way to spoil someone’s pleasure – or celebration – since it had been previously ruined (long before we were lied to and baptised) […]

Gabriela PACHIA

The Expendable Poet Collective trophies crisscross on the revolutionary boulevard, under compact fluorescent streetlamps, the accipitrine memory – a gaia in a tarmacked diary – breathes stiflingly, like the prelude of race engine cramps.   Decidedly, the sapient semicentury is effortlessly consumed by the assiduous rubber tire dust, while dreams stretch out their trunks guilefully […]


In the Nature of Joy, in the Geometry of Your Snowflake… It seems a cherry blossom ballet, breezing April’s photons : it is snowing innocently, rustlingly… …and the chorale of brownish leaves, secular, imperial platans resounds, among the golden penguins of the fountain basin, among swan necks with orange stars burning in their beaks…   […]


Definition The poem comes and breaks itself against the world’s rib like the blade of a dagger leaving behind a glittering trajectory, the poem always means to stab you to death its thrust is never a deadly blow.   Inscription May those who have profaned the poets’ kind those who have fed on the marrow […]

Gheorghe PITUŢ

The Children The children descend onto the Earth from the heights of Heaven, from up there, from on high from the light’s fatherly antiquity. The stars’ nerves buzz in their throbbing blood, each child is a dense-astrum.                           ,. When their lifespan has elapsed the light commences to absorb them to pull their souls upwards until […]


The Trap   That’s what I’m going to do : I’ll set a mirror instead of my tombstone And, instead of my name, A mirror as well. It’ll be like a trap You’ll fall into Eventually. What do I care that nobody will ever know Where my grave lies ? When you’re going to bend […]


The Jellyfish There came a lazily waving bride, a bodiless silk dress, and the solitary swimmer unexpectantly floundered about in her unseeable, flouncing flesh   He perceives the world as before, he cleaves through the waves alike on the shore his sweetheart is still waving at him yet the sky has grown burdensome it’s but […]