Selbstbildnis So sicher verletzt von deinen eigenen Händen welche der Leere ausweichend es immer wieder tun So alleine unter den Schild des Regens des Schreibens Unkriegerisch Schritte von Kugeln durchbohrt Schritte mit welchen ich gerade eben auf Bäume auf Türme gegangen bin. Das Weltall Das Weltall versteckt in ein Frucht wie ein […]
The Sonnet of the National Poet “Let us ask Eminescu whether he gently sleeps/ laid to rest on the bed of our hearts” (Nichita Stănescu) From the sea’s swirl, absorbed by the sun’s ray, He was born, rapt with wonder, among the stars, His prying flight in parallel worlds unbars, Spearheading to Hyperion day […]
The Ineluctable Estrangement Tell me, who would venture to ponder on today. Until the other day everything seemed achievable and natural. Huddled together in the leafing labyrinth we were contemplating the hoarfrost settle right on the door threshold − and the ears of snow would plunge and thereat in our own household we felt as […]
Adrian BOTEZ
The Poet Our life is written in the stars, “Endure hunger !” since only the hungry have visions and clamour the hungry one can’t be fined as a theft monger from the golden tree of knowledge − or of glamour… ’tis only when you cease to feel your wounded feet that you’ll be blessed […]
Gabriela PACHIA
Hey, Loppy ! Apricot tree for you, apricot tree for me, my word of rounded gold divides by two. Would you be the brunified sour cherry branchlet, too, – antipickles in the flank of the cucumber-years –, and the horseradish root of histories, pitying himself, the Mioritic Shepherd barking Black-Sifting, the rose moss temerarious under […]
Some Distresses at the Galactic Swan’s Allurement… Come to me, vowel-swan, so I can lie to you – I am a Member of Parliament, I work and catnap as much as possible in the People’s House, among supreme lies… ! Come to me, consonant-swan, so I can lie to you – I dwell among […]
Mornings, Before Sunrise You’re being sentimental again and tread on poetics although you know that it’s not proper, that more often than not we don’t go forward grit and backbone, that novelty, that the century, that the sensibility of the contemporary intellectual, of the angry young man, of the calculating machines, you certainly know that […]
The Density of the Being We sit close together on the bedside carpet the piano reaps pearls from the sea shell grit my love your sparkling body leans against my armpit like a ponderous sword now it’s dormant as if it were dead − gentle, forever unmapped since many long hours must elapse until […]
I Can Hear I can hear someone following my footprints into the moon And planting flower seeds into my footmarks, A wise step − forget-me-nots larks, A wrong step − a belladonna festoon. I can hear someone following my footprints into the sun And ensconcing bird eggs into my footmarks, A wise step − […]
Night Both myself and the cricket In the murky ivy At the window of my room Possess a split consciousness : Both of us fail to sleep, Both of us seek the ecstasy to empower The moment and draw resurrection nearer Both of us fear the words Yet we are not afraid of death […]