
Adrian BOTEZ

The Spring of the Good-for-nothing I’m searching for my feet ― in the newly dressed pyjamas with long legs ― the way missing miners are searched for ― in the collapsed mine shafts and drifts I shall never again stride anywhere ― not even to the place where the snowflakes take wing to ward off […]


On the Anxiety Concerning the “Copyright”…   Jesus Christ created the Constellation Lyra : what is His “copyright value”, Mr Prime-Minister-of-the-Scythe ?   The Holy Spirit made the amethyst vault of the Heavens, from whence the wolfram networks of the stars hang : what is His “copyright value”, Mr Prime-Minister-of-the-Anvil ?   God Almighty also […]


Anonymous   I’m the poet nobody talks about during the contemporary literature class teachers don’t rush in quest of my works and so far pupils haven’t called me names in their minds for being compelled to learn my poems by heart. My grieving soul doesn’t allow me to go on silence strike and, even if […]


Without You   I’m freezing without you. I’ve never quite grasped How the air scents Your departure. The universe deflates Like a punctured ball, Scattering its icy shreds over me. The black dog Affectionately lying on the snow on its belly Rises to its feet and walks away Staring me in the eyes, Refusing to […]

Constanţa BUZEA

The Boundary   I fear that some day while loving me you might accept to spend the anguish through the thoughtfully immured night of our days there will always be a window between us so the kiss the words will shrink from tasting the illusion nor will there be any childbirth like the coldness of […]


On Litmus Paper   There are no more wild geese there are no more fairies with the golden curls the gingerbread house collapsed in the atomic bombing during the Punic Wars according to the celebrated chronicles where are our visionaries instead everywhere there are official press statements suave butterfly massacres where are our visionaries weep […]

Octavian PALER

A Futile Lesson in Logic   That’s the way things happen logically, we leave and arrive somewhere. We leave for an instant, for an hour, for a lifetime, perhaps we shouldn’t have left, but that’s not the problem, but the fact that we arrive somewhere, we always arrive somewhere, we may not arrive on time, we may […]


The poet just like the soldier has no private life. His private life is dust and ashes.   He uplifts in the claws of his convolutions the ant’s feelings and draws them, draws them nearer to his eye until they turn into his own eye.   He lends his ear to the belly of the […]


The Ball of Yarn   The most far-reaching road that can dwell within the utterly pygmaean hillock ; in fact the hill is nothing else than a road within the road.   Oh, what soreness, what twists and twirls, what wrappings and windings on the road that begets a hill !   How you bury […]

Grigore VIERU

Henceforth                                 “Happy is he who clearly bears in mind the name of a light.”   Henceforth, I might as well Live without my feet, Indeed, without them ― I’ve already reached the one I craved to reach.   And without my eyes, Indeed, without them, I’ve already seen the one I craved to see. […]